CV Creation

Your CV should make a favourable impression on an employer and encourage him to invite you for an interview. The first opinion about a person is formed based on the CV. If you did not receive an invitation for an interview, then your CV did not attract the attention of the employer.

Resume correct CV creation
Resume correct CV creation

Jobs and Vacancies Services

What is a CV for?
A right on target CV - what is it?

You have only one chance - the moment your CV is read for the first time. That is why a standard form is used. According to most employers, it is very important the information in the CV shall be as complete as possible and concise at the same time. And also, you should confirm all written data during the interview. Your CV should include a description of exactly those aspects of your experience that are significant for the position you are applying for. A CV should not be written about you in general, but under the requirement of a particular employer, taking into account the specifics of the company's business. Thus, your CV should be adjusted for each vacancy. For foreign companies, CVs must be written in English. Don't use long and convoluted phrases, stick to the style and structure of your CV, double check for errors before submitting. And one more advice - indicate the possibility of providing recommendations from companies where you had experience relevant to the vacancy. Remember, a well-written CV is your only opportunity to tell the employer about yourself personally.

Please contact us if you have any doubts or want to significantly increase your chances with interesting and competent CV. We will be happy to help!

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